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weekly round up #2

Welcome back to our weekly roundup of the latest and greatest in the world of dubstep. This week we’ve got some absolute bangers for you to sink your teeth into, including SVDDEN DEATH’s latest release ‘HUMAN CONSUMER’, a heavy-hitting track that’s sure to leave your eardrums ringing. With its gritty basslines and razor-sharp drops, this is one for the bass heads out there who like their dubstep hard and heavy.

Next up, we’ve got Scnd Sndwch’s bootleg of Selena’s hit track ‘Bidi Bidi Bom Bom’. This fresh take on the classic Latin pop anthem combines Scnd Sndwch’s signature sound with Selena’s infectious melodies, creating a high-energy track that’s sure to get you moving. And, we’ve got an Eastwood Red original track to round things off. ‘Genus’ is a hauntingly beautiful track that showcases Eastwood Red’s talent for crafting intricate, atmospheric beats that draw you in and keep you hooked from start to finish.

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So there you have it, folks – our weekly roundup of the latest and greatest in the world of dubstep. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just looking for something new to add to your playlist, these tracks are sure to get your blood pumping and your head banging. So turn up the volume, hit play, and let the bass take control!

Eastwood RedGenus
Javie_AirMINIMAL DUB ( 饾摃饾摗饾摂饾摂 饾摀饾摓饾摝饾摑饾摏饾摓饾搻饾摀)
kosterHamdi – Skanka (KOSTER BOOTLEG)
SCND SNDWCH (2nd Sandwich)Selena – Bidi Bidi Bom Bom (Scnd Sndwch Cut) Free DL